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Payment process The payment process is now avalaible here: PAYMENT Online abstracts Welcome to YIC2013 Young Investigators Conferences, organized in partnership with ECCOMAS (European Community of Computational Methods in Applied Sciences), are a new series of scientific events. They focus on applications of mathematical and computational methods and modeling to different areas of simulation in engineering. They mainly aim at bringing together junior researchers and PhD students in the field in order to encourage discussion, collaboration, and interchange of ideas by the young generation. The participation of senior scientists sharing their experience is also considered very useful and fruitful.
ECCOMAS PhD Olympiads ECCOMAS PhD Olympiads, organized every year, aim at presenting the best PhD theses defended during the previous year.
The 1st PhD Olympiad took place during the 7th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics (Athens, 2011), whereas the 2nd PhD Olympiad took place during the 1st Young Investigators Conference (Aveiro, 2012).
Every affiliated National or Regional Association of ECCOMAS is represented by a number of selected PhDs submitted for consideration for the two ECCOMAS PhD Awards.
For presentations at the ECCOMAS PhD Olympiad 2013, an abstract is required, including representative figures and references, in PDF format following the YIC 2013 format. Registration fees will be covered by ECCOMAS.
The award ceremony for the two best ECCOMAS PhD awards and the best PhD Olympiad oral presentation will take place during YIC 2013. There will be three prizes relative to:
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